Information for New Patients

Currently accepting new patients: none of our doctors are currently accepting patients

You will not be considered a patient of the clinic until an Introductory Appointment has been completed.

What to Expect at Your Introductory Appointment:

Your first appointment is an Introductory Appointment to meet your doctor, hear about the Office Policies, and review your medical history.  

The time booked for your Introductory Appointment is necessary to complete these tasks; as such, medical issues will not be addressed at the Introductory Appointment, and prescriptions will not be given. If you have medical issues that require attention, please do not wait for your introductory appointment; please see your current physician or seek care at a walk in clinic as needed. Please book a follow up appointment to address any medical issues or prescriptions.

Please arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment to complete paperwork prior to seeing the doctor.

What to bring with you to your Introductory Appointment:

  • your Health Card (please note - you must present a valid health card at EVERY visit, otherwise there will be a charge for the appointment)

  • all your medications

  • a list of your current medical issues, any specialists you see, and significant past health issues

  • immunization records

Other Important Information:

1. If you fail to arrive for your Introductory Appointment (or provide less than 24 hours notice of cancellation) you will be charged a Missed Appointment fee; you will not be able to re-book an Introductory Appointment until this fee is paid

2. At the time you book your Introductory Appointment, you will have the option of the first available appointment, or booking with a specific doctor of your choosing (who is accepting new patients); please note, once you have seen a doctor in the clinic, we abide by a strict NO Physician Switching Policy

3. Prior to your Introductory Appointment, please review the Office PoliciesUninsured Services and Email Consent pages. Please bring any questions about these policies to your Introductory Appointment.

4. Please note that the office is a SCENT-FREE ENVIRONMENT. Please do not wear perfume, cologne, or other scented products before coming to the office.